Friday 18 June 2021

Review: Coming Undone (The Ice Court Series Book 1) by Dagmar Avery and K Margaret

Coming Undone Coming Undone by K. Margaret and Dagmar Avery
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Horns are Sexy

This is the first book in the Ice Court Series. Though this is the first book in the series, you need to read the previous seven series to have a hope of ever understanding the cast of characters and the plot.

Reading Order

The Sleeping Court: SlumberAwakenTranceOblivionOblivion,
The Blood Court: VexedInceptionAversionConquer.
The Dank Court: Seasons In The AbyssCalling To The DeepThe Sweet UnknownQueen Of Monsters.
The Grave Court: Of The GraveOf the Spirit.
The Lotus Court: Dreaming, Darkly.
The Arcane Court: Wicked GamesDevil InsideSilent EchoesDark Paradise.
The Ash Court: Rise From Ashes, Sand of Time, Darken The Light, Back To Chaos.

This is the story of how the Ice Court comes back to power and the only way for that to happen is for the Court to allow Eira to come to power as the Ice Court Princess, by gaining her Guard, her Heart Eternal (or soul mate) and the god, that she must awaken. However, Eira is trapped by her duty and love for her father who has locked her into a marriage contract.

Her unhappy engagement prevents her from finding the people she needs to truly establish her Court but her father won’t relinquish power as it is written into the charter for their house that only a man can rule it. He has allowed her to run things related to the fae side of things because she’s good at it and she doesn’t need to hide her huge horns in Faerie.

Eira loves her father and her people and hates her fiancé. She’s pretty miserable but doesn’t know how to escape. She’s drawn to Faust a faeblin (fae/goblin hybrid) who is the son of the now-dead goblin king.

Faust is called to Eira as a member of her guard, or maybe more. He only knows that she is his Princess and he must do everything in his power to make her happy. If that means staying away, then he will do that, but if she shows signs of wanting him then he is hers.

The whole set-up for this series is tough. Ice Court is important to bring the two sides of Faerie into unity but they don’t want to let go of the old ways. On the other hand, the ruler of the house seems to love his daughter and want her happiness, provided it falls into the guidelines laid out by the Court Charter. Transforming this house is essential to killing Poseiden’s legacy.

A lot happens in this first book of the series. The set-up is complicated and what I’ve written above barely scratches the surface. Most of the world-building has already been done in previous books but we still learn more about Hybrasil, in particular the Observatory, where Faust works. We also learn a bit more about the faeblins.

Both Eira and Faust are interesting characters because they have been overshadowed most of their lives by larger than life fathers, though Eira has affection for hers and Faust never did. Both were pushed around like pieces on a game board and had no real say in what they became, though once again, Eira is happy with her job. It sounds like both fathers are two sides of the same coin.

Most of the focus of this book is on Eira and Faust and their relationship and the huge set-up of what’s going on with Ice Court. It’s an interesting read and the relationship is sweet, but is tainted by Eira being engaged, even if it’s been imposed upon her, and them having to sneak around. Eira is placed between doing what Faerie wants and making herself happy and doing what her father wants and making her House happy.

The book ends on a big cliffhanger and I can’t wait to read the next book!

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