Monday 10 May 2021

Review: Rise from Ashes (The Ash Court Series Book 1) by Dagmar Avery and K Margaret

Rise from Ashes Rise from Ashes by Dagmar Avery and K Margaret
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

A New Court

This series does not stand independent from the others, but it is a continuation of The Arcane Court Series. It’s also best to think of these ‘series’ as one story and each book is a 'part' of the story. The series order is;

The Sleeping Court: Slumber, Awaken, Trance, Oblivion, Oblivion,
The Blood Court: Vexed, Inception, Aversion, Conquer.
The Dank Court: Seasons In The Abyss, Calling To The Deep, The Sweet Unknown, Queen Of Monsters.
The Grave Court: Of The Grave, Of the Spirit.
The Lotus Court: Dreaming, Darkly.
The Arcane Court: Wicked Games, Devil Inside, Silent Echoes, Dark Paradise.
The Ash Court: Rise From Ashes.

So this book would be Part 1, of The Ash Court, which is Book 7. I don't normally list series but this one is quite tricky to keep track of and it's difficult to find the order on the internet unless you are a member of the Facebook Groups. Please note I've left out some short stories from this universe, but this order keeps the story flowing in the right direction.

It’s been a while since I’ve read any of the Nightmare Court books. I’ve let a few accumulate so I can have a good binge. This new Court is actually under a very old, once defunct name, The Ash Court. It was a Court resurrected by the new Queen of the Nightmare Court, once she began her reign and wiped out two corrupt Courts.

Princess Sendara is now the head of The Ash Court and she only has a Captain of her Guard, Caspera, and her best friend and first love, who isn’t an official Guard at all, Eamon. She has a very small Court, but it is important because Sendara is the accountant for The Nightmare Court as a whole. She’s very clever, but painfully shy and suffers terribly from anxiety and panic attacks. It hasn’t helped that several of the people called to be her Guards, rejected her. The one Guard who hasn’t rejected her, but also hasn’t come to her is Anders, who is a Huntsman who lives and fights at the front, and he’s left a great hole in her Court.

A year after the Court was formed, she’s finally had enough and decides to take matters into her own hands and goes to confront him. She is the last Princess of the Chaos bloodline, something that the Light Court took great pains to try and eradicate, and it was a minor miracle, or maybe an act of Faerie, that she survived after the attack at her birth. She is from a warrior line and she is finally growing strong enough to try and live up to those august beginnings.

As always, I really enjoy the characters in these books. The authors seem to have an endless well to draw from as far as personalities are concerned, not to mention history, family and powers. I love that Sen is not strong and courageous and that she has to fight herself as much as the outside world in order to achieve anything. Her Guard loves her dearly and it’s very sweet how gentle and nurturing they are and that she appreciates that Eamon has chosen to be with her, rather than it being ordained by Faerie.

This series has good potential to be entertaining as always and, of course, as sexy as ever!

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