Monday 9 December 2019

Review: Queenmaker (Heart of The Nebula Series Book 1) by Heather Long

Queenmaker Queenmaker by Heather Long
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Alien Reverse Harem

In the words of Khloe (with a K) “They were my… soul mates? Come from the stars to love me? Fantasy? Science fiction? What the hell category did we fall into?”

That pretty much sums up the book. I kind of liked the mixed up nature of the genres. It was definitely Sci-Fi and there are aliens involved, but their abilities sounds like Fantasy. All you need to know is that it’s fun.

Khloe starts the book cycling up a big hill, trying to reinvent herself after falling apart after the break up with her ex Billy. She was determined to get fit again, and as she was thinking all about Billy, she ran into a truck. A beautiful man ran to her rescue, picked her up off the floor and walked her, carrying her broken bike, the 5 miles home after she refused to take a lift from a complete stranger.

She did, however, agree to a date that evening with his friends in tow so she could see what kind of guy he was from who he hung around with. She took her best friend Grace with her, who left quickly on seeing an on and off again boyfriend. Khloe and the four guys, Reese (her rescuer), Dalton, Briggs and Goran, clicked that night and they made it clear that all four were interested in being with her and didn’t mind if she was with all of them at the same time.

Khloe couldn’t understand how she could connect with the guys so quickly when she mistrusted most people, but they quickly wormed their way into her life. She was a little shocked to find out they were aliens.

I like Khloe, she was picking herself back up after being demolished by the man she loved and support financially for 3 years. She was gullible, but everyone is allowed to do that at least once in their lives. She had fought real adversity with the mental illness of her mother and she spent most of her life looking after herself because her mother wasn’t really capable.

She worked really hard and was trying to make ends meet after her ex took everything not nailed down, including the car she made most of the payments on, despite it being in his name. She was also trying hard to like herself and that is admirable.

The men are fascinating and all four of them are very different from each other, with defined roles in how they care for Khloe. They try to be gentle in revealing what they are and how that relates to Khloe, but at the same time they try to avoid lying to her.

This book is mainly universe building and unravelling the characters. The plot is all about them and how they relate to each other. There is a little action, but it isn’t the primary concern of this book. Hopefully the next book will expand greatly on the work done by the authors in this book, because the foundation was pretty interesting. I look forward to reading the next book, when it comes out.

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