Monday 9 December 2019

Review: Rock Star, Interrupted (Tragic Duet Book 1) by SM Shade

Rock Star, Interrupted Rock Star, Interrupted by S.M. Shade
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

What a Cliffhanger!

Well first up, there is a massive cliffhanger as this a duet, so if you can’t handle one of those, maybe wait until the next book is out. Personally, though they make me crazy, it won’t stop me reading a book, especially one by SM Shade, who is a great writer. I know plenty of people won't read a series until it's complete but if we all did that, no series would ever get finished because the author would starve.

This book is about Axton, the lead singer in a newly successful rock band. They’re just about to go on a huge festival tour when he gets a call telling him that he’s a father and the mother has died, leaving him as the only option for parental care. After Dani, his sister, convinces him to take the baby he’s scared to care for, he hires a nanny and then tries to get back to his regular rock star life.

The Nanny is Naomi, and she adores Caden, the baby. She’s 24 and been working as a teacher of 2nd grade kids, but wants something a little bit more low key. Though Naomi adores Caden, she doesn’t think much of Axton. He is rude and arrogant and doesn’t want to be around his son. She is unafraid of him and calls him out when he’s getting out of hand. Axton things she’s too stubborn and assertive by far, and she needs to get out of his business, or he might do something they’ll both regret.

There is so much going on between these two it’s hard to quantify it. There is a lot going on in terms of history of both Axton and Naomi that is only partially revealed. Their relationship has a lot of back and forth and no one, especially the reader, knows what is going to happen next.

I like both these characters and Dani, who sets Axton straight and is really good at bringing him back down to earth, is great. The way they all interact feels very natural and understandable given the circumstances they all find themselves in

I really can’t wait to read the next book in the duet because the cliffhanger is incredible. I soooooo want to know what happens next, and I'll probably enjoy the re-read of this book when it comes out, just to refresh my memory.

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