Wednesday 4 August 2021

Review: Devilish Deal (Demon's After Dark: Covenant Series Book 1) by Jenna Wolfhart

Devilish Deal Devilish Deal by Jenna Wolfhart
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Demons in New York

This is the first book of a continuing series. Whilst the internal story arc finishes nicely in this book there is a tiny cliffhanger for the next book, which is already out.

Mia has been living out of her car for a long time. When she ran out of cash her best friend Serena invited her to come and stay with her in New York. They share a tiny studio apartment and it’s not easy, but they love each other, so they make do.

Mia cannot find work. She keeps trying but her past gets in the way. Finally she decides to apply for a job as a dancer in Infernal, a night club in Hell’s Kitchen. There she meets the owner who offers her the job, provided she pretends to be his girlfriend for a month and moves in with him.

Mia is desperate to get out of Serena’s hair and feels she’s holding her friend back so agrees to the deal, not realising she’s been duped into making a deal with a demon and breaking their contract could mean her soul going straight to hell.

I enjoyed this book and especially liked the way mythology about heaven and hell was messed around with and twisted up on itself. You never know who the good guys and the bad guys are, which keeps you on your toes.

Mia is a really interesting character, with a rich, full backstory to give her substance. That the backstory is fascinating is just a bonus. In fact, all the characters have convincing personalities, even if they don’t get much page time. Serena is intriguing and I’d love to know more about her, which I hope will come out further on in the series.

There is also some good solid world-building going on. There are some gaps in the societal structure and culture, but again as this is a series, I hope those gaps will get filled in in the future.

The relationship between Mia and Az is complex and intriguing. There are a lot of conflicts there, but also passion and understanding. It is just the start of things between them, but I have hopes things will work out ok, eventually!

The plot was interesting and structured really well. I never knew what was going to happen next, and I love it when that occurs. It means the author always knows more than I do and is willing to guide me by the hand through their adventures.

This was an entertaining and satisfying read and I can’t wait to read what happens next.

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