Sunday 18 July 2021

Review: Shedding Skin (The Ice Court Series Book 2) by K Margaret and Dagmar Avery

Shedding Skin Shedding Skin by K. Margaret and Dagmar Avery
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Finding Her Way

This is the second book in this series. This series is part of a much larger story arc and needs to be read to understand the context of this series.

Still engaged to a man she doesn’t love, Eira is desperate to find her way back to helping the Ice Court return properly to Faerie. She loves her father but he is very set in his ways and he is adamant that she should marry Tanner, even if he doesn’t want Tanner taking too much control over his daughter whilst doing it.

Eira has a list a mile long to accomplish, she has to establish her sithen, build her guard and wake a god. On top of that, she has to continue to sit on committees, practice law and find a way to break free of Tanner. During the course of this book, Eira makes a really good start on her to-do list, with her father being a surprising ally.

I really enjoyed this book and a lot happens. Eira’s to-do list gets whittled down really well and it’s enjoyable watching her do it. There are lots of hot and steamy scenes. One of the things I really like about this series is that it is really sex-positive. There is no shame or embarrassment when talking about sex. It’s an important part of their lives and the princesses have no problem discussing it.

Eira goes from being incredibly self-contained and isolated to being more open and accepting of her new role in Faerie. She becomes friends with the other princesses of her court and even becomes more open with the princesses of the Nightmare Court. I will say that there are an awful lot of other princesses. At a get together for all the courts it’s nigh on impossible to remember what guard belongs with which princess. I’ve learnt to just let it all wash over me if I haven’t had a re-read recently. They really need a tree of Courts and Guards at the back of each book!

This is a really enjoyable book as Eira is intelligent, interesting and sweet. I like her character and I’m really looking forward to seeing what happens to her next.

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