Monday 19 July 2021

Review: Cyn's Awakening (Cyanide and Sin Series Book 1) by Payne Craven

Cyn's Awakening Cyn's Awakening by Payne Craven
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Tried To Fit Too Much In

This is the first book in a series, but at the time of writing this review, the next book is not yet published.

I wanted to like this book because the premise is great, however, the author tried to cram too much into a short book and as a result, too much got left out.

Cyn is a half banshee/half siren singer in a band with her best friend Slade. She also owns a three-headed giant mastiff with flaming eyes, called Wulf. After breaking up with her cheating ex and longing to stop touring and have one place to call home, she is given an opportunity to travel to a town filled with monsters and set up a residency at a club. Lazarus is the incubus who owns the club and sets her up in a fancy penthouse suite at the hotel and then tries to set about wooing her as he knows she is his mate.

This book has so much potential because the monsters are fabulous. There’s an incubus, a wendigo, a Cerberus, a naiad and much more. It’s a who’s who in the bestiary all lined up for Cyn to play with. But other than their monsters there doesn’t seem to be enough time for each character to have much of a personality because the author wants Cyn to be with all of them immediately. There is no chance for them to get a chance to know each other.

Packing in all the mates that Cyn has to meet means that there is very little room for plot either. I just wish that the author either allowed the book to be longer to build on the characters a bit more or spread the meetings over more books so we could see a bit of where the plot is going without having to buy the next book.

Based on this book, despite the cliffhanger, I don’t think I’ll be reading the next in the series.

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