Friday 31 December 2021

Review: Another Word for Magic (Family Law Series Book 6) by Mackey Chandler

Another Word for Magic Another Word for Magic by Mackey Chandler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Alliance of Science

This is the sixth book in a continuing series. Without the preceding books, this one wouldn’t be understandable. There is also a connected series of books that shares the universe, history and characters, but you don’t need to read those books to understand the narrative of this series, however, it's best to start with the April Series. A full list of both series and the reading order is given in this post.

The three habitats that used to be in the Solar System are now scattered around the galaxy. They have been dispersed so one is at Derf, one is at Mars and the last is at Fargone. Instead of three habitats that governed themselves together, they are going to be following separate paths. This book mainly follows the inhabitants of Home which was relocated to Derf. In addition to the new embassy staff sent by Central, April and Jeff have become valuable visitors to Derf. Jeff is principally there to supervise the technical work on the jump drive that Lee’s scientists are working on. However, Jeff and April soon become valuable sounding boards and advisers for Lee and her plans for the future.

Jeff manages to talk Heather into offering a complete technical alliance for all gravitational discoveries. Not only is Lee and her team offering something more than equal to the information that Jeff is providing, but she’s also got something extra to add on top, in the balance of technical information.

After Heather destroys USNA’s ability to venture into space any time in the near future the Commission decides to prevent Lee and Gordon from receiving any more payouts for their Claims. Now in breach of contract Lee and Gordon know they have to go and reclaim their discovery.

This book is a story about the meeting of minds, both scientific and political. Lee has to work out what she wants to happen and frame it so that she achieves success. The help that Central keeps giving her is invaluable. Talking through the mistakes they’ve made helps her decide to make her own different errors.

We also get to know the Central characters even better, along with different Derf. Strangelove is becoming one of my favourite characters because of his honesty and humour and Alonso is crankiness personified. These wonderful characters make me smile as I read about their interactions.

It saddens me that there are no more books in this series out yet. It means I have a reason to go back and start with the April series so all the gaps are filled in.

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