Wednesday 10 November 2021

Review: Wanted Girl (Neighpalm Industries Collective Series Book 4) by Lexie Winston

Wanted Girl Wanted Girl by Lexie Winston
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dangerous Times

I'd probably give this book 4.5⭐ if I could.

This is the fourth book in the series and follows directly from the end of book three. You need to read the previous books to understand this book. Though this book ends at a natural break in the story, there is a significant hook to draw you on to the next book in the series.

Harlow, Kai and Jaxon are in Hawaii enjoying their short break, whilst the men work on their various businesses. Their wonderful experiences are tainted by the attacks on Harlow. Back home, Harlow’s safety becomes everyone’s priority. Making the best of things Harlow spends her time working on her complex and rewarding relationships with the Summers men. She also finds herself becoming more involved in understanding her family’s businesses. She also starts to build a relationship with Jacinta as they finally begin to accept each other.

This is such an enjoyable series and the complex plot keeps you guessing all the time. I still have no idea about who is causing Harlow problems and why. I thought I knew, but I determined I had NO clue by the end of this book. I love it when a book or series can keep me diverted and intrigued like that. Though this is a reverse harem book and the romance and passion form a significant part of the plot, the mystery/suspense aspect gives the relationships a rich tapestry on which to rest. It keeps things moving and affects all the relationships by applying different amounts of pressure on the various characters. It’s also not a one-dimensional plot as there are different strands to the mysteries surrounding this charismatic and unusual family, which are probably not all related to each other.

I really enjoyed finding out more about the main characters in this book. Each book reveals more about their individual pasts and how they have shaped their personalities and how they interact with Harlow and each other. For instance, in this book, we find out a lot more about Jacinta and start to see the real person behind her insecurities and irrational rage towards Harlow. We start to see why the brothers are so protective of their sister.

One thing, in particular, I like about this series is that Jacinta’s behaviour is not accepted and she faces consequences for actions. She also seeks help from her therapist and the professional aid guides her through the damage her psyche sustained as a child. This author shows redemption through hard work and I like it when that happens.

One of the other things I liked about this book was Harlow becoming more open towards friendships as well as her relationship. Before coming to California she was a loner with only her foster family providing love and support. She’d never been in a proper relationship before meeting the Summers, and the love of her family and the involvement with her ‘harem’ has helped her become more open to having other people in her life and she starts to trust in her friendships. She also takes a long hard look at her relationship with her foster sister/best friend Max.

This is a complex and intriguing, passionate, sexy and fun book, and the series as a whole is no less so. The characters are complicated and fascinating and each book peels the layers back further so we understand the motives of each person better. I can’t wait to see what happens next to this entertaining family.

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