Monday 22 November 2021

Review: The Long Voyage of the Little Fleet (Family Law Series Book 2) by Mackey Chandler

The Long Voyage of the Little Fleet The Long Voyage of the Little Fleet by Mackey Chandler
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

New Wonders and New Friends

This is the second book in a continuing series and the first book needs to be read before this book can be appreciated. The story ends at a natural break, however it is not finished at the end of this book and you’ll want to know what happens next, but at least that book is already available. The complete reading order for this series and the connected series 'April' is given here.

Lee wanted to go on a voyage deep into the unknown and thankfully Gordon and enough other people want to join that endeavour. After buying two of the ships Gordon ‘claimed’ in the last war, from the Derf, their now three-strong fleet are going with others who want to benefit from their discoveries. This is a commercial enterprise but both the Fargoers and Red Tree Clan from Derf are sending people who can speak in an official capacity for their governments. Whilst the mission may be principally trading, there will be an opportunity for politics too.

Within a few months, they have managed to score some vastly rich mining areas that will make everyone on the expedition rich beyond belief. Then they meet their first intelligent life and things become a little more tricky.

I am enjoying this series tremendously. Though this book feels less personally and immediately perilous for Lee and Gordon there is a little low-level hum of anxiety about their safety. I love the imagination the author has about what they encounter on their journey, both the places and the species they come up against, along with foreign cultures that they have to understand in order to communicate and trade with.

Lee seems to be growing more mature in this book as she is less naive and a little older at 14 years old. She is becoming more aware of her standing as a woman of great wealth and knowing that with great wealth comes the opportunity to change things in a positive way for others if she can just work out how to do it. She continues to be curious, friendly and open, though she’s considering whether being sneaky ever has merit in certain situations.

Gordon has achieved a great level of respect amongst the members of his ‘Little Fleet’ as it has become known. His accomplishments in the war with USNA have become legendary incredibly fast. Because of his ability to sneak attack and manipulate situations, he is held in a position of respect, along with a healthy dose of fear. He has grown into his position of commander and he reminds me of his father William who we only briefly got to know in the last book.

I love how we get to know lots of new characters in this book. There are those on the journey with them, but also those we meet along the way. I really enjoy how different species find things in common despite their differences, both physical and cultural.

As this series is nowhere near done, I’m really looking forward to reading the next book.

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