Sunday 14 November 2021

Review: Broken Lyric (Meltdown Series Book 2) by RB Hilliard

Broken Lyric Broken Lyric by R.B. Hilliard
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Dangerously Obsessive

I'd probably give this book 3.5 ⭐ if I could.

This is the second book in a connected series. This book can stand alone but you get to meet the characters and learn their history in the first book, so reading it will increase your enjoyment. There isn’t a cliffhanger, but there is a hook for the next book.

Nash is the lead guitarist for Meltdown a successful rock band. They’ve had a pretty rough couple of years but things are starting to settle down. They have a new keyboardist after the death of the old one and they now own their record label. The band decides to have a shakedown mini-tour for 3 months and though he has to go, Nash is reluctant because his beloved mother has cancer. The only thing helping him go on tour is knowing his mother has a live-in nurse to look after her.

Rowan Burn, Nash’s mother’s nurse, used to be called Gillian. Gillian had to change her name in order to hide from a very dangerous man who was obsessed with her. Her father was the one who set her up with that man. She decided to change her name at the same time as running away. Since then she hasn’t stayed in one place for very long or formed significant attachments. However, Nash’s mother, Maeve, has wormed herself into her heart, along with her son.

Though the initial set-up for this book seems obvious, the plot is actually quite complex. The suspense plot is intriguing, however, all the emotions feel a little muted because of the emphasis on the plot rather than the characters and what they are feeling. Bad things happen in this book but the characters don’t seem to dwell on how those things make them feel, it’s all about what’s happening and what’s going to happen next. It makes it harder to connect with the characters than I would have thought because on the surface the characters are very likeable and engaging.

This is a diverting book and quite entertaining, and I may read the next in the series at some point, but there are other books in my vast TBR list that will come first.

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