Monday 18 October 2021

Review: The Rowan's Destiny (The Killian Blade Series Book 3) by Stella Brie

The Rowan's Destiny The Rowan's Destiny by Stella Brie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

An Enemy Is Uncovered

This is the third book in a continuing series. It marks the end of this section of the story that focuses on Arden. The story will continue in future books focusing on a different main character, therefore there is no cliffhanger, just a few hooks to get you looking forward to the next books in the series.

This book is filled with content to keep you guessing what will happen next. The plot moves at a very fast pace and a lot happens to the characters. I gulped this book down in one sitting despite my gritty eyes at the end because I couldn’t stop following what was happening with each new turn of the page.

Arden must find a way to achieve her destiny, whatever she chooses to make of that. She has been given the guidance of visions of her deceased mother and other ancestors who set things into motion to provide her with a chance to make things right in the world of magic. The path she was forced to walk has taken her to a place where she can discover who her enemy is and do her best to defeat them. She also has to determine the best way to lead the witches into an age of acceptance of all magic users, no matter how much they hate the idea.

The path to winning her battles is not an easy one and not everything is smooth sailing in her relationships with the members of the Imperial Cadre. External pressures come to bear on their relationships and it may prove too much to accept for Arden when decisions are made for her without her knowledge or agreement.

This book is filled with passion, romance and the love of a family, made through choice. It’s not only the Cadre who are important to this sense of family but also those that raised Arden in the absence of her mother, and the other friends that she makes on her journey.

This author writes such rich and diverse characters they seem to step off the page into your heart and mind. They feel real and believable, as though you could bump into them in the street. The members of the Cadre are all so different yet at heart, they share the same passion for helping and protecting others weaker than themselves. They are flawed in such different ways and their personalities sometimes may be abrasive, but they are good people and adore Arden and the changes she has brought to their lives. I like how each relationship Arden has with the members of the Cadre is unique and separate from the others. Obviously, there is some involvement because these men have been family to each other for nearly 1000 years, but they don’t butt in too much and Arden doesn’t let them even if they wanted to. All of them, including Arden, have their own responsibilities separate from being part of the Imperium Cadre and these can take them away from home for days and weeks at a time. However, they are lucky that texting works across dimensions. Technology and magic in conjunction seem to do marvellous things!

There is so much unveiling of hidden truths in this book that it is difficult to keep up. It may be complex and fascinating, but the fabulous plot does not overwhelm the emotional content of this book. The characters and their emotions, and their connections to each other are as important to the book as the troop manoeuvres, magic skills and political manipulation. It’s very difficult for an author to maintain that balance in a book of this nature and that this author has achieved such a perfectly poised balance is a credit to her. It gives me high hopes for the rest of the series, that it’s not just the fabulous Arden that makes this series so readable but the entirety of the way she writes.

I’m sincerely looking forward to the next section of this series because even though one section of the plot is resolved, this world is fascinating and the next main characters are just as intriguing as Arden is!

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