Friday 3 September 2021

Review: Phoenix (Stardust Series Book 1) by Autumn Reed and Julia Clarke

Phoenix Phoenix by Autumn Reed & Julia Clarke
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Very Slow Burn

This is the first book of a continuing series. There is a minor cliffhanger as nothing is resolved but the story comes to a natural break.

Hayley is 18 on the day that the book starts. She has decided to demand an explanation from her father about why they live as they do. She has been homeschooled since she was 6 years old but doesn’t have a diploma, despite finishing all the curriculum several years previously. They live in the middle of nowhere and her only friend has now left to go to college.

Within days of her father telling her why they are hidden something goes wrong and their house is burnt down. Hayley can’t find her father but gets rescued by a group of men, who are obviously all young and hot because this is a romance.

The situation is all very mysterious as the men know who she is and say they want to keep her safe, but they are also telling her lies. She still ends up trusting them because she has nowhere else to turn.

This was an intriguing book and I want to carry on reading straight away because I want to know what happens next. I really like Hayley and think she is an interesting character. She’s pretty understated and level headed. She’s obviously very bright but it isn’t rammed home on every occasion, it’s just hinted around. She’s also very capable physically as she runs, knows how to shoot a gun and knows self-defence. Again, this isn’t made a big deal about, it’s simply because her father wanted her to be able to take care of herself given their precarious situation.

The guys involved in the situation are all introduced but their personalities are really only sketched out because there are 6 of them. Nothing romantic happens in this book, other than people showing a little interest in each other.

This book is essentially just setting up the rest of the series, by introducing all the characters and establishing their situation. It’s enough to make me want to read the next book though.

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