Monday 13 September 2021

Review: Bronco (Elko Executioners Motorcycle Club Series Book 1) by Bijou Hunter

Bronco Bronco by Bijou Hunter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Making A Family

This is the first book in a new series. There is no cliffhanger, but there is a hook for the next book. This series follows others set in the same world and has crossovers between these series of history and characters.

Maude is a single mother and a stripper, who performs as Lana, who is recently divorced from a waste of space ex-husband. She hasn’t had a great life and lives in a very tightly locked down way. However, when she sees Bronco the president of Elko Executioners MC where she worked she fell for him hard. They end up in the back of her SUV and she doesn’t see him again until she asks her brother in law, the president of an MC with whom he has a very tenuous peace, to find him.

Bronco started the EEMC when he was 19 years old and filled with rage and ambition. He succeeded in taking his town and has built up wealth and power as a result. However satisfied he is with his life, he’s not truly happy. He has two daughters, both from different mothers who were club bunnies. Both women were dreadful mothers and Brono took the oldest when her mother badly neglected her and the second daughter he raised from birth because he didn’t want to make the same mistake twice.

When Bronco is summoned to Shasta, where he met the woman he knows as Lana, he finds her holding a baby who has his sister’s nose. He trusts her when she says the baby is his but has a DNA test anyway and they plan for her to visit with the baby.

Both Lana and Bronco are really attracted to each other still and have thought of the other often, but the distance and the situation between the clubs made them wary of trying to find the other, until after the baby was born. Bronco is a very loving father and he knows he wants to be in his daughter’s life, no matter what, but he also starts thinking about having Lana too.

I got this book as a freebie during a promotion for MC books. I remembered that had read some books by this author and decided to try this one. I’m glad I did because it reminded me that I like Bijou Hunter’s books and I will go back to the series where I left off before. Because this book is part of several connected series I feel like I missed out on a lot of backstories, however, the author gives the information that is necessary to make sense of the plot.

The writing style is quite observational and alternates between Bronco and Lana’s points of view. There is a lot of internal descriptive prose rather than speech, which can make the book seem a little subdued sometimes in settings that anything but. This is because both Lana and Bronco are very self-controlled people. They have a tight hold of their emotions and this is reflected in their internal monologue.

The story is actually really sweet for a romance between a murdering biker and a stripper. The blending of their two families is bumpy in places and downright rocky in others, but there are some glowing positives right away, especially with Desi, Lana’s first daughter and Sidonia, Broco’s second daughter who are instantly the best of friends.

Most of the focus of this book is on the family and the romance and how both main characters have fought to make themselves better people and better parents. There is some MC plot but it’s in the background and Lana knows nothing about it.

This was a compelling book and I enjoyed reading it, but I think you need to be a specific mindset to enjoy it. I will go back to the books I missed out though because I do enjoy these stories and the way this author looks at the world.

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