Sunday 23 May 2021

Review: The Rowan's Stone (The Killian Blade Series Book 2) by Stella Brie

The Rowan's Stone The Rowan's Stone by Stella Brie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Fabulously Engaging Urban Fantasy RH Romance

This is the second book in a continuing series and follows where the first book is left off. I loved the first book and have been waiting with bated breath for this book because the story is wonderful. I was not disappointed even after all the internal hype my brain was giving it.

I really love it when authors write meaty books you can really get your teeth into. Especially, when they don’t shy away from writing about the details that surround the characters and plot, which create fantastic worlds that captivate. This book has that in spades. Stella Brie has a wonderful imagination and I love how she has created the different races of the supernatural and the societies in which they dwell. We learn an awful lot more about the different races in this book and my interest just keeps getting more piqued.

In this book, we find out why the books are about ‘The Rowan’. We learn so much and find out we know so little. There is still an excess of information to uncover for Arden and the Cadre and with each step along the journey, you become more invested in the answers that they hunt down.

Stella Brie is a master at dangling little hints, foreshadowing and layering information. It’s so enjoyable to read books by an author who is competent as well as imaginative. Whilst a book with an intriguing plot can be entertaining and engaging, when you have a really competent author, such as this one, your mind gets engaged as well as your heart, and I love that.

During the course of this book, Arden gets to spend more time with the individual members of the Cadre and their relationships slowly evolve. As I said in my review of the first book, I love that these relationships are allowed room to breathe. These are ancient beings that have all the time in the world to relish new and interesting relationships. Despite the leisurely approach to romance, there is still plenty of time for a lot of passion and affection. I particularly liked how nurturing these terrifying ancient individuals are to a relatively (328 years old) young woman. They spend time training her and helping her to become the powerful witch she has the potential to become.

I really cannot speak highly enough of this series and I will once more spend my time waiting with bated breath for the next book. I’m certain it will be well worth the wait if this level of writing continues, as I’m sure it will. If you haven't read it already, go and read the first book, it’s just as good!

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