Thursday 27 May 2021

Review: Roosevelt (Steel Bones Motorcycle Club Series Book 2.5) by Cate C Wells

Roosevelt Roosevelt by Cate C. Wells
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Sweet Prospect Story

I’m reading this book out of order, so I already really liked Roosevelt when I got around to it. He was a cool support character and a prospect who everyone liked. This is the story of how he ended up at Steel Bones MC, and how he won his lady love.

Theo, aka Roosevelt, was a teenager when he started working in an Italian restaurant and fell head over heels for the granddaughter of the owners, the sweet and shy Carmela. Carmela also happens to be 9 years older than Theo, but he isn’t going to let that stop him.

Carmela is spiralling. Her brother persuaded her to sign over her share of the business and the house their grandparents left them to get loans. Now he doesn’t do any of the work, takes out the profits and doesn’t let Carmela have access to the books. The only support she has is from 22-year-old Theo who flirts and banters, providing friendship and support. One day she starts to believe it’s not just flirting.

This is a really sweet story. Theo is so strong and self-assured and knows exactly what he wants. He’s looked after his mother, grandmother and sisters since he was 16 and became the man of the house. He’s much more mature than most 22-year-olds.

Carmela is incredibly hard-working, she’s an amazing chef and gentle. She finds it really hard to stand up for herself and can’t understand what the gorgeous Theo sees in her, when she’s exhausted, overweight and can’t remember the last time she wore makeup.

I really enjoyed watching these two different characters come together. I’m so happy that Roosevelt got his HEA, and after reading about Carmela I’m doubly happy for her as she’s been through it. I want to read more about them, but know there isn’t much in the following books because I’ve already read most of them. Fingers crossed there are more books to come and they’ll reappear again.

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