Tuesday 6 April 2021

Review: Secrets Worth Keeping (Finding My Home Series Book 2) by Nikita Parmenter

Secrets Worth Keeping Secrets Worth Keeping by Nikita Parmenter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Fabulously Mystery Laden Dark NA RH

I’d probably give this book 4.5 ⭐️ if I could.

I really love this book, in fact, I love the whole series. I feel like I shouldn’t because it has lots of flaws, but it’s just fabulously dark and sweet at the same time.

This second book in the series starts with Ever’s kidnapping and continues through the rest of the winter break from school. The kidnapping is handled with aplomb and the slimy stalker gets taken away in handcuffs. The rest of the book revolves around going away to the boys’ cabin in the mountains. Of course, it turns out to be more like a mansion! We also meet the mysterious Atlas, who is exactly as you would expect, and of course, he and Ever click instantly.

There are lots of unknowns about this series that are very very gradually being revealed. We don’t really know all that Ever got up to before she came back to live in Serendipity and we certainly don’t know all that the guys got up to before she got there as well. No one knows what Atlas gets up to and where he really came from but we get a few tantalising hints.

We get lots of dark and joyful violence from all of them, including Ever. We get lots of passionate sex, and lots of cute loving cuddles and snowball fights. It’s a book of dichotomies, which is actually pretty enjoyable. I love how we are getting to know the individual characters much more with this book and how they interact with one another.

Now onto the things I find flawed about the books. They are all in their late teens but behave like they are in their mid-twenties. They certainly have sex like they have a decade of experience under their belts, which is one of my pet hates even whilst knowing the internet has set standards for sexual experience in a very different place than when I was that age. I have to mentally wipe their ages out of my mind for big chunks of these books because their whole dark leaders of the school thing is also pretty unbelievable, but then I know there are tonnes of books out there that deal with this kind of thing, so I’m probably pretty much alone on this particular pet hate. Again, I think it’s my age showing

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