Tuesday 13 April 2021

Review: Holding On (Cascadia MC Series Book 1) by Mia Malone

Holding On Holding On by Mia Malone
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Middle Aged MC Romance

I love how Mia Malone writes beautiful, sexy romances about powerful and interesting people in their middle years. This book is set within the Cascadia MC, dealing with Finn, the Sargent At Arms, a man in his 50s who still works out and is a force to be reckoned with. This MC is tied to Thor MC, which was the last set of books written by this author, and there are some cross overs with characters.

Addie is in her early 50s and over the last couple of years has lost everyone she ever loved. She’s also running hard from some very unpleasant people. She ends up in Alaska where she meets Milo, a old grizzled mountain man, who decides he is going to teach her how to stay safe in the wilderness.

When the people Addie is running from catch up with her again, months later, Milo makes her run until he can find her again. Addie finds her way to Cascadia MC, just as she starts to run low on cash, so when a cook’s job opens up at the MC’s roadhouse she jumps on it.

This is a really great story. Both Addie and Finn are very interesting characters who have lived fully before meeting. They both have rich pasts that give them real depth. Though they are instantly attracted to each other they don’t act on it immediately, there is some dancing around whilst Addie learns to trust Finn and the MC.

As with all Mia Malone stories, the supporting characters are really strong and fascinating. They provide a rich backdrop on which the story is laid. This author understands that romantic love isn’t the only thing that drives a person, they need friendship and family too.

What I particularly love about this story is that Addie isn’t a traditional damsel in distress. She’s strong, intelligent and skilful. She is capable of mostly keeping herself safe, except in the situation she’s in, where there are overwhelming odds set against her.

Though the plot is fairly straightforward, this story is captivating because of the characters and the world in which they live. Though predictable, there is nothing wrong with the plot, which is still interesting, despite it’s direct route from start to finish. There weren’t any real surprises to me, but sometimes I enjoy the sense of restfulness a straightforward plot can bring, so you can relax into the people and the world they inhabit. Mia Malone excels at this.

I can’t wait for the next book in this series, as the teaser at the end of this book looks great. I’m so glad we get to hang out with this interesting group of people for a while longer.

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