Thursday 22 April 2021

Review: Droscal (Ka'atari Warriors Series Book 3) by Kenzie Kelly

Droscal Droscal by Kenzie Kelly
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The Politician and The Smuggler

This is the third book in the series and though it deals with a specific couple, there is a story arc that makes sense only if the books are read in order.

We met Droscal in the previous book in the series. He is the ruler of a smuggler’s haven, outside Alliance territory. For a smuggler, he’s an OK guy. He’s a big scary warrior alien, but instead of ruling by blood, which is what everyone expects, he’s excellent at negotiation.

Zoranna is a politician. She was an aide on the UN Space Station when it was attacked and when the human women were rescued she opted to stay on the planet which housed the ruling body of the Alliance. She has been working as an aide to the Warrior Chief, who really doesn’t want to be a politician but is kind of stuck with the role. Zoranna is his perfect assistant because she loves the politics side of things and covers for him a LOT.

When the Alliance needs something from Droscal, his payment is to meet the non-mated human women to find out if any of them are his rhun, or a woman he can mate with. They send Zoranna to be his ‘liaison’ and of course they are rhun, even if Droscal is the very thing Zoranna abhors the most, a criminal.

I really enjoyed this book. The storyline fits nicely as a follow on from the previous two and it makes you want to find out what happens next, which was a problem because book 4 isn’t out yet, but it is obviously set up for that book to follow. There is, however, a HEA for this couple.

On the face of it, this couple shouldn’t work because Zoranna really is quite vehement about being mated to someone like Droscal and how it will affect her career, something very important to her. However, they have more in common than she thinks.

As in previous books, the warrior is sweetly protective and there is a cute pet alert. There is heat between the two and though Zoranna overcame her initial reluctance a little too quickly for my liking, the book is only novella length, so it’s understandable.

This is an enjoyable bite-sized book, with an interesting and entertaining plot and an amount of chemistry that isn’t the only thing that’s important but is still central to the book.

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