Tuesday 27 April 2021

Review: Blade on the Hunt (Goddess With A Blade Series Book 3) by Lauren Dane

Blade on the Hunt Blade on the Hunt by Lauren Dane
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

These are such enjoyable books. They are filled with sarcasm, wit and bloody violence, followed by sex in the shower. What more could a girl want from her vampire books?

After being nearly killed by Enyo, Rowan has had to spend weeks getting back to full strength. During the process she has grown stronger through all the ancient vampire blood she was given to keep her alive. She’s also gained a much closer bond with her goddess.

When Rowan is finally prepared to take on Enyo, she returns to The Keep and finds an unhinged Theo and she once more stands between the First vampire and the rest of the world, calming his troubled mind. When she finally gets to go looking for Enyo she discovers that Hunter Corp may not have her best interests at heart, at a time when she is most vulnerable.

One of the things I really enjoy about this series is the incredibly complicated feelings that Rowan has towards her foster father. She has nearly died at his hands countless times, even as a child in his care. However, she knows that Theo loves her and that he tries to do his best to protect her, even if that means forging her into a lethal weapon rather than giving her a childhood. As much as Theo has hurt her, she can’t stop loving him. This is a complex and nuanced relationship that is conveyed with a delicate hand by both acknowledging that what Theo did was wrong and that he isn’t completely in his right mind either.

On one hand, this book is filled with witty one-liners and blood and gore, and on the other hand, it has moments of real tenderness and affection between friends, loved ones and family. It’s deftly done and it’s unusual to see it in this type of book. I know I’ll be diving right into the next book in the series because I really want to know what happens next.

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