Thursday 18 March 2021

Review: Grady (Texas Kings MC Series Book 13) by Cee Bowerman

Grady Grady by Cee Bowerman
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Mayhem and Motherhood

There’s a distinct theme to this book, the absolute ruthlessness and strength of the women in this MC, especially when it comes to motherhood. Whether that means protecting their offspring or facing down mothers who didn’t live up to the job specifications.

This story deals with Grady, who is a few years younger than the main guys running the MC. He’s a really interesting guy, who adores his ex-stripper Mom to pieces. He owns part of his mother’s company, which is a range of clothing and beauty treatments that have been a roaring success. His Mom put herself through college and got two degrees whilst stripping and raising her son without support from her family or Grady’s father. As Grady learnt from his Mom, he got a degree which he uses to help his Mom run her company, but he also works as a mechanic and a bouncer at the MC strip club. Basically, he barely sleeps!

Whilst working at the strip club he met Ella who he becomes smitten with. He does nothing about it for a year until she comes into work beaten up by her ex. He and Hank (his boss and surrogate father) step up and take her to the women’s shelter which is supported by the club. Grady makes his move after falling even more head over heels for her and her four-year-old daughter who he adorably calls Squid (Cydney).

Ella’s very smart and tried to get away from her abusive mother by going to college but had to drop out when she got pregnant and lost her scholarships. There are a lot of parallels between Ella and Grady’s mother in the way life hit them both which only enhances Grady’s admiration for Ella.

Ella is great fun. She’s strong, determined and loving. She’s also pretty funny and adores her daughter who is just so cute it’s not true.

At first glance, this feels like another case of insta-love but actually, it’s taken a while to brew, it’s just we didn’t get to see Ella thinking Grady is hot and nice and way too good for someone like her. We don’t see Grady thinking she’s awesome and gorgeous. We just see the final stages of their falling for each other feelings.

This couple/family is lovely. I just want to pick them up and hug them. They deserve each other and to have a good life together. It’s certainly not all plain sailing, but things get taken care of with the usual club ruthlessness and Ella fits into the same mould as the other MC women where she will do anything to protect those she cares about.

These are not sweet and innocent people which is what probably saves it from being too saccharine sweet, though there is a certain insouciant approach to violence which makes it much less traumatic in the moment but with hindsight is kind of chilling, but then these are MC people.

As always this author provides a fun and easy read that entertains. I’ll always read her books because they are a great pick me up.

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