Sunday 21 February 2021

Review: The Rowan (Killian Blade Series Book 1) by Stella Brie

The Rowan The Rowan by Stella Brie
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Promising Start To A New World

I’ve never read anything by this author, so I was going into it blind pulled by the blurb that kept drawing me back. As it was a KU book it was a no brainer about taking a risk on a new author with a new series.

The book starts with the MFC, Arden, arriving at The Abbey, a sanctuary run by five very powerful members of the supernatural community, the Imperium Cadre. In her pocket she contains a letter from her guardian asking for them to look after her ward, educating and protecting her, in return for discharging a life debt. Arden has been in hiding since her birth over 300 years ago because of her mother’s prophesies and now the final sign has come to step out into the light and find her place in the world, only she’ll need help to do it.

The world-building in this book is fascinating. I love the idea of the different factions and how they interact in mixed cities with humans, which includes the witches. The immortal races normally live in their own places but they all come together at places like The Abbey to interact in safety, which is ensured by the Cadre.

The author has obviously put a lot of time and planning into creating the races and the magical systems they use and the societies in which they live. It feels seamless and complete. I really enjoyed how the author revealed the world-building slowly and as that is revealed we also get to know all the characters better, in particular Arden.

Arden is strong physically as well as magically and emotionally. She is self-reliant but is also excited to be making friends and allies after being stuck in a pocket realm for 300 years. She also is excited to be finally starting to unravel the secrets of her existence.

I like that the men involved are hesitant to get emotionally involved with this strange woman who has been foisted on them. They are all well over 1000 years old and have been hurt by people in the past, which is going to make them hesitant. I liked that they all got to know her at their own rates and in their own ways.

I really enjoyed reading this book and diving into Arden’s world. I can’t wait to read the next one.

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