Sunday 14 February 2021

Review: Alpha & Omega (Alpha & Omega Series Book 0.5) by Patricia Briggs

Alpha & Omega Alpha & Omega by Patricia Briggs
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

The version I read was in On the Prowl and I decided to read this again before re-reading the whole Alpha and Omega series, which I like to do periodically. This book helps makes sense of the start of the first book in the series Cry Wolf, so it's good to start here first. This story tells us about how Charles and Anna met in Chicago when Charles was sent there by his father, The Marrok, the leader of all the American werewolves.

Anna believes she is a submissive wolf, at the bottom of the pack and has to obey everyone else above her level of dominance. She has lived a truly horrible life for the last three years, and the only thing that broke her free was witnessing someone else’s suffering and getting the strength of will to call The Marrok and tell him about it.

Charles has always been known as the bogeyman of the werewolf world. He is his father’s executioner and performs the role exceptionally well because he’s incredibly dominant as well as lethal. Charles had already been sent to Chicago to sort out another problem and he is redirected by his father to protect Anna whilst investigating what is actually going on in the city. Stunned to find the beautiful and rare Omega, a rank that is described as a zen alpha werewolf, hidden away in Chicago his wolf is instantly smitten and he’s not far behind. Together they work to solve the mess of the Chicago pack that made Anna.

This is a wonderful short story, that sets up the new series beautifully. It helps us understand Anna and how she became a wolf and gives a brief insight into the mysterious and stoic Charles. It’s a brief story, but it covers important character information and sets up the larger world of the werewolves that don’t get looked at much in the Mercy Thompson series, of which this is a spin-off. That world focuses on all the races of the supernatural because Mercy isn’t a werewolf. This story allows the focus to be more fully on a very different pack to the one Mercy was raised in and the one she eventually joined.

You could probably get away with not reading this novella before starting the series, but I knew I had it so decided to read it to get the complete experience!

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