Thursday 3 December 2020

Review: Touched by Fire (Demons of New Chicago Series Book 1) by Kel Carpenter

Touched by Fire Touched by Fire by Kel Carpenter
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Hell on Earth

This book has an interesting premise. It’s set decades after a supernatural war that pretty much upended modern society and left the non-humans in charge. In New Chicago lives a female bounty hunter. She’s unusual in that she is human and takes down supernaturals at a rate much higher than any of her competitors.

Then one day she is a given a job that could make her a fortune. She’s to stop a coven summoning a demon and she’s to kill the entire coven. Only Piper really needs some information from the demon being summoned and so she waits a few seconds longer than she should and it all goes horribly wrong. All of a sudden Piper is on the receiving end of the might of her boss.

Piper is a really interesting character. She hates the supernatural and really hates magic. She’s strong, determined and fearless. She also has zero social skills and is all around unpleasant sometimes. She has big trust and anger issues too.

The world building is done slowly and cleverly. I sucked down each drop of information about Piper’s backstory eagerly and woven into that backstory was careful world building.

The plot was fast paced, with brief interludes as we got to know Piper and Nathalie, Piper’s unwelcome witchy sidekick. I really loved Nathalie, I know I’m going to really enjoy getting to know her more as the series progresses as she has a lot of hidden depths that have been barely touched on during this first book.

The book is intriguing and I think the budding friendship between Piper and Nathalie will be interesting to watch too as Nathalie seems determined to teach Piper how to engage with society!

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