Wednesday 23 December 2020

Review: Lead Player (Everyday Heroes World Series) by Alex Grayson

Lead Player Lead Player by Alex Grayson
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Predictable But Enjoyable

I’d probably give this book 3.5 🌟 if I could.

I decided to have a dip into the Everyday Heroes World books and try some of the novels by authors I’d not come across before. As I was enjoying some rock star books at the moment I decided to try this one.

I like the concept of Enzo being the lead guitarist and main songwriter for a rock band and wanting to leave because touring was miserable. Basically the novel is set at a time of change for someone who has been living life one way for 10 years and is about to try something different. Enzo has had his heart burned a bit before in the past and because of that has been reluctant to get into anything serious with anyone since. It’s made easier to do this because of, you know, him being a rock star and all.

Alaina has been single for a year and is actually looking for a long term relationship. She’s tried dating apps and it’s been miserable. She’s also really missing sex so sets out to have a one night stand and when she meets a handsome guy in a bar proceeds to have one. Both of them giving false names.

When they meet several days later at a wedding function, Enzo is delighted at the opportunity to see Alaina again. Alaina isn’t as sure when she finds out who he really is.

Basically the story continues in this fairly predictable way. This is a well worn path for a reason. The set up works. The only difference is Enzo retiring. Alaina is the magic special person who converts Enzo into something other than the determined bachelor and Enzo is the magic special person that makes Alaina give up her plans to try with the ‘bad boy’ because he’s super special.

Though it’s a slightly tired trope, it was a still a well written one. The plot was well constructed and the characters thought out really well. It was an enjoyable read, and sometimes predictable is what you want from a romance novel. Especially when the world isn’t a great place to be, it’s nice to have a safe and well constructed HEA.

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