Saturday 19 December 2020

Review: Bryce (Sexton Brother Series Book 2) by Jeannine Colette and Lauren Runow

Bryce Bryce by Jeannine Colette and Lauren Runow
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Changing Lifestyles

This is the second book in a series, but as it was free I wasn’t going to quibble, especially when the blurb said it could be read as a standalone, which is true.

Bryce owns, with his family, a media company that sells both digital and hard copy news. His family is troubled, which happened after his mother died 8 years previous and he had to step up age 22 to head the company, when it became obvious his father couldn’t. Bryce loves his job and that he’s keeping his mother’s company going but he doesn’t love that he isn’t getting the help he needs and is working himself to death.

Tessa’s mother is a hard line feminist campaigner for women’s rights and a equal rights lawyer. She isn’t particularly impressed with men and had Tessa through a sperm donation. Then Tessa got pregnant and had a child aged 19. The father of the child did not want to be involved. She’s a make up artist and has recently got a great job and has been able to move out of her mother’s house with her 5 year old son, to another city.

When Bryce and Tessa meet at a gala that Tessa gate-crashed with her friends, there is an instant connection. Tessa doesn’t want a man, but Bryce really wants Tessa even though his work has taken over every spare minute.

I really loved how real this book felt, despite it being based on a billionaire falling for a single mother. Their difficulties weren’t about his money but about the stupid hours he worked and family issues. I also liked that the relationship wasn’t all about hot sex, but about conversations, eating food together and taking Tessa’s son out to Cub Scouts. Bryce’s relationship with Tessa’s son was as important and his relationship with Tessa.

This was a really well thought out book, with lots of interesting plot developments and the characters were completely believable and easy to relate to. I’m quite tempted to read the other books in the trilogy because the characters in this one are really interesting and the ongoing plot is intriguing.

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