Sunday 8 November 2020

Review: Wishes, Wings, and Woes (Gods and Demons Series Book 2) by Kaye Draper

Wishes, Wings, and Woes Wishes, Wings, and Woes by Kaye Draper
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Discovering Who You Are

I always find it difficult to review and rate Kaye Draper’s books because they parts of the whole. There is no real individual storyline in this book, it is simply part of the longer whole series. This means there is a cliffhanger, even though the next book is already out. But, as I said, it makes it hard to really review this one part of the whole without reading everything. It’s like reviewing the first fifth of a book without seeing the rest of it.

However, I really enjoyed reading it. It had the author’s usual excellent world building, creative character building and intriguing storyline.

The world just imploded and Troya suddenly finds herself without a regular schedule, with her college being closed and the hospital telling her to leave from her last day as an intern there because of a demon’s behaviour. She is bored and lonely because everyone else is out saving the populous. Eventually Orion arrives and offers to let her intern at Derek White’s clinic for supernaturals. Desperate for diversion she takes her chance and is thrust into the supernatural world head first.

I really am enjoying learning much more about Derek and Orion’s history through this series. They were characters that always intrigued me in Gesa's Menagerie and this series is revealing. I’m also enjoying the way Troya views things as she thought herself human for her entire life and suddenly everything is different, including people she cares about. It’s a different way of looking at the world that we first saw in Gesa’s Menagerie and it’s an enjoyable one, as she’s handling it pretty well.

As the book ended on a cliffhanger, I really need to go and download the next book to find out what happens next. I recommend this series highly. I’d probably give the book more stars if I knew how the rest of the series panned out! 

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