Tuesday 6 October 2020

Review: Joke (The Brothers Series Book 3) by Mia Malone

Joke Joke by Mia Malone
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Joke’s Girl

I’d probably give this 4.5 ⭐️ if I could.

As this is the third book in this series about the same group of friends, I’ve got to know Joke quite well, and what I saw I really liked. He’s a good guy, runs his bar, loves his sister, stands up for his friends and community and is actually pretty level headed with a really solid sense of himself. It was mentioned in a previous book that he was a little lonely and he overheard the comment and kind of agreed with it, especially with his friends starting to pair up.

Then one day Sissy walked into the bar and asked for a job that he’d not yet advertised for, sent over by Lee. Sissy didn’t even know she wanted to stay in town or apply for a job, but the place really appealed to her and reminded her of where she grew up in the mountains surrounded by skiing and bikers. As soon as they saw each other Joke and Sissy were really attracted to each other but were a little cautious because of the job.

I also like Sissy a LOT. She was multi-faceted, which was commented once or twice in the book. She reminded me that during your life you are never just one thing all the way through. You can be wild, dependable, nurturing or reckless at different points and at the same time. By the time you hit 50 you’ve lived several stages of your life and they are all different, but they are all still you.

Sissy’s life wasn’t easy. She was attacked at age 18 and her leg shattered with a steel pipe, destroying her skiing career after being accepted onto the national team. Ever since the same man who destroyed that part of her life would get out of prison and start chasing her again causing her and her family terrible distress. Moving to Wilhelmine was to escape him and draw him away from her daughters to reduce the danger to them. She is strong, intelligent, brave and has a wild side that fits in with Joke’s.

I laughed out loud several times when reading this book. There was a lot more banter than the other two books, which already had quite a lot. This book felt like the group was settling in together with the new relationships and the addition of the extra women. It reminded me of listening to any group of friends who had known each other for years, that were maybe slightly more open than most!

These books reflect the many layers of real life with friendships, community, children, work as well as love and hot sex. It’s all important and life is not solely focused on one aspect, it’s made up of all of them, and I like that these book show that so very clearly.

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