Saturday 8 August 2020

Review: Transfusion (Transfusion Saga Book 1) by Stephanie Hudson

Transfusion Transfusion by Stephanie Hudson
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Excellent Paranormal Romance

It’s so refreshing to have a really good paranormal romance set in the UK. To be honest, it’s not so much a romance at this point as a paranormal longing for romance novel, though I’m pretty sure that will change in the rest of the series.

Amelia, or Emmie to her friend and Fae or Faith to her family is a hard working, independent woman who happens to like Star Trek and collects Lego models of the Death Star. She also happens to be brilliant at her job, passionate about ancient history and has access to one of the oldest beings on the planet, otherwise known as Dad. She is purely mortal but her parents are King and Queen of the Supernatural world, which makes her highly unusual in both the mortal world and the supernatural one. She isn’t comfortable on either side of the line.

Amelia is 27 years old and has been in love with Lucius since long before she understood what it meant, until 7 years ago when he crushed and humiliated her. It was this humiliation that led to her fleeing to London and burying herself in her humanity. Now working at the British Museum, her father has brought a mysterious box to her, to ask for her help in working out what the symbols on the outside mean. This one box leads to an upheaval in her life that should could never have envisaged.

I really enjoyed this book. I wasn’t expecting to because I’d never heard of the author, but the writing style was smooth, natural and entertaining. I liked Amelia as a character. She was determined, intelligent, didn’t shy away from who she was, and had good solid relationships with her friends and family. She had a lively curiosity and is able to take care of herself. It makes for an interesting mix of character traits that blend smoothly and believably. She also handled her life being turned upside down quite well!

The plot was interesting intellectually as well as fun to read, and kept me intrigued right until the the last paragraph. I then wanted to immediately download the next book, which I’m about to go and do.

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