Friday 3 July 2020

Review: Bioluminescent (The Mimics Series Book 1) by Auryn Hadley

Bioluminescent (The Mimics #1)Bioluminescent by Auryn Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Aliens Crash Land

I hate reviews that sound like they are written by obsessive fans, but I also want to tell the truth. Therefore, this review sounds like it was written by an obsessive fan, sorry.

I make no secret of the fact I love Auryn Hadley’s writing, and of course I bought this book the day it released and devoured it as quickly as possible. I’m pretty sure I’ll be re-reading it many times in the future, because at the back of the book the author states that this is the first in a 6 book series (YAY!!!!!) and I always re-read earlier books as new ones become available as a refresher.

Hailey Evans is a 29 barista who’s life’s ambition of living on a beach has been met. Wandering aimlessly through life suits her. She’s not unhappy but she’s not exactly skipping with joy either. Then she goes to watch an object due to burn up in the atmosphere and land in the ocean, and instead witnesses a space ship crash into the land near town. After watching as long as there was something to see, she wanders back home, passing a stranger on the way, little knowing that the meeting will change her life forever.

Tsij is a doctor on board a space ship forced to crash land on earth. He knows that the crash will cause the release of pathogens alien to Earth which will cause widespread and dangerous illness throughout the population. He needs to find subjects who are resistant to the pathogens to help him find a cure, to right the wrong their crash has inflicted on this backwards and primitive planet.

This is a wonderful story of two cultures clashing in dire circumstances. It reveals the best and worst of both as they are put into jeopardy. Working together as friendships and alliances are made.

Auryn Hadley has once more created a wonderful culture that is conveyed with a deft hand throughout the story. Each detail is well thought out before it is revealed. The culture of the ‘Mimics’ is rich and built around a single concept and from that concept everything flows. It’s intelligently and beautifully done.

We have a large cast of characters and they are all interesting. We meet people from all walks of life, both aliens and humans and the diverse backgrounds make this book even more interesting to me.

The plot is fantastic, everything moves quickly and keeps the reader on the edge of their seat, wanting to know what happens next, what block is going to be raised and which way round it will they construct.

Basically this book has plot, characters and world building in spades and I loved every page. I know we are going to have to wait for the next book, but this book finishes well, with not too much of a cliffhanger. I know I’ll be happy to re-read it when the next book comes out because if I know Auryn Hadley’s work, the book will be even better with each read of it.

In short, read this book, you’ll enjoy it!

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