Sunday 26 April 2020

Review: Starlee's Turn (The Wayward Sons Series Book 2) by Angel Lawson

Starlee's Turn Starlee's Turn by Angel Lawson
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Brand New Start

After Starlee’s mother takes her back home, despite Starlee’s wishes, she returns to a restrictive, dull and lonely life. She tries to explain that needs to be allowed to spread her wings a little but there is no shifting her mother. Then the crisis point hits on her 18th birthday and she runs back to Lee Vines, her grandmother and the boys next door.

Given a chance to start again in Lee Vines, her grandmother insists that Starlee enrol in the High School and actually experience life. What started as a holiday romance has been given a chance to thrive. What they don’t expect is the interference from outside that threatens everyone’s happiness.

This book contains a lot more teenage drama than the first book, because they are in their senior year at high school. Adding in a bunch of teenagers to the plot creates all sorts of tension. Sierra is strong character who is put into a hard position when she took over the care of her brother when their parent’s died, and then to take in another three boys as a foster parent is extraordinary for a women in her mid-20s. She tries so hard to do the right thing but it seems sometimes she’s fighting a losing battle.

Everyone is these books are trying to do their best in difficult circumstances and it makes the characters seem more real when they are frustrated and angry, but try to keep control because they no it will do no good to lash out.

It's a good series, and I’m interested in what comes next.

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