Saturday 1 February 2020

Review: Don't Tempt Me (Nora Jacobs Series Book 4) by Jackie May

Don't Tempt Me Don't Tempt Me by Jackie May
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Nora Goes Bad

This final story in the Nora Jacobs series is a doozy. Nora is cursed, all sirens are cursed. That’s how they came to be, so all sirens eventually go bad, though their harem helps stave off the descent into madness. It seems that Nora isn’t bonding as fast as she should with her harem. Her pesky siren side keeps trying to take over.

It also appears that there is someone who is gunning for her and her clan, and there are big monetary rewards being offered to mercenaries to capture Nora and kill her clan. Being in Nora’s clan has become a very dangerous place to be.

I love how this book rounded out the series. It wasn’t a race to fix all the romantic parts of her harem, so the book wasn’t one big sex-fest, but there was a little bit of steam. I liked that the harem included people she wasn’t interested in sleeping with because sirens need emotional bonds to stay sane, not just romantic ones.

There was an awful lot to sort out in this book and Jackie May nailed it. The authors handled the different threads and wove them together seamlessly. The characters were nuanced and the relationships complex and interesting. The slow build nature of the romance made it more believable, as did the addition of emotional connections that weren’t romantic. It made the clan feel more rounded.

I really enjoyed this series, and I hope to see more of Nora and her clan in future books from this author, even if they are only there as supporting characters.

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