Saturday 28 December 2019

Review: Shattered Bonds (Jane Yellowrock Series Book 13) by Faith Hunter

Shattered Bonds Shattered Bonds by Faith Hunter
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Culmination of several story arcs

I make no secret of loving Faith Hunter and this wonderful world she has built, containing both Jane Yellowrock and Nell Ingram, two my favourite female characters. This book is number 13 in the series, and by now you’d think that everything would have been said or done with this character, but you’d be absolutely incorrect.

This book takes several long standing story arcs and ties them together in a way that you will not see coming. Some of those are arcs you won’t realise were still not tied off. This book is a gift to long standing Jane fans.

All the characters get to show their depth as Jane deals with the possibility of her powers killing her. At the end of the Dark Queen, Jane understands that her time travelling ability has given her cancer, because arcenciels are the only beings meant to do it. She has just become the Emperor of the European Vampires and she is unbelievably sick. She immediately abdicates and slinks away in the night. It was a heartbreaking end to a great book and waiting for Shattered Bonds was hard.

Thankfully, Alex Younger is a genius hacker who easily traced Jane, so the Youngers and Bruiser showed up to look after her. Jane’s instincts are always to stand isolated and alone, because for most of her life it was just her and Beast to rely on. Her family is still so new she can’t bring herself to hurt them with watching her die, so she leaves.

This book shows what happens when you walk away from your responsibilities and try to do everything on your own. The book explores Jane’s heart and soul. It explores Beast’s heart too and their connection and love for each other. Jane must look inwards in her usual mix of Cherokee ceremony, visions, prayer and magic.

There is less action in this book than some of the earlier ones, but that is because there is so much to handle in order to finish this chapter of her life. For a while I thought this might be the last book, until I remembered quite late on that there is a contract for one more book in the series, so I know there is still good stuff to come. Jane gets her Happy for Now ending, but know there is still a barrel load of work still to be done as Dark Queen and Emperor of the European Vampires!

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