Wednesday 11 December 2019

Review: Shadow Weaver (The Nightwatch Academy Series Book 2) by Debbie Cassidy

Shadow Weaver Shadow Weaver by Debbie Cassidy
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

This Enthralling Story Continues

This series just got better with the second book. I loved the first book, but this one moves the story on in leaps and bounds. It also shows us much more about the world in which the Shadow Knights exist and the people who live there.

Indigo is getting closer to Brady. She still feels torn between Brady and Hyde though and it’s making things so much harder for her emotionally.

It has also been discovered that Indigo is able to Weave, so she must take classes. Her ability to Shadow Phase is actually a very rare Weave ability, which is what clued everyone in to her skill set. Because she can Weave, Indigo must take classes to ensure she her magical ability is stable. During this new training she finds more friends, and of course makes an enemy. It’s interesting learning a bit more about Weavers and how their magic works, because it’s mentioned so much in the first book.

Indigo’s Year One Troop is all set to be fast tracked towards graduating to becoming a fully fledged Shadow Knight. On top of that she has to take the classes. There isn’t much down time for Indigo, but whilst she works with her Troop and some of the Year Two Troop that they have mentoring them, they all become closer and more like a proper team, or even family.

This subtle movement from acquaintances to team mates to friends is done very deftly and naturally. There is no need for jarring ‘moments’ to move things along, they just have to rely on each other, day after day.

The story of the Academy’s role in protecting the human realm from the Fomorians is gripping and learning, bit by bit, about the conflict is intriguing, to say the least. I can’t wait to read what happens next!

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