Monday 11 November 2019

Review: Newly Undead In Dark River (Dark River Days Series Book 1) by Grace McGinty

Newly Undead In Dark River Newly Undead In Dark River by Grace McGinty
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Excellent Paranormal Reverse Harem

I really REALLY enjoyed this book. I had a smile on my face most of the way through. It has that perfect elusive blend of humour, romance, angst and mystery.

Mika is a 20 year old American student hitchhiking through Canada with friends. When the friends head on home, Mika decides to carry on a little bit further. Sadly this leads to her waking up dead in a ditch outside a town in the middle of nowhere. Well, she didn’t know she was dead when she woke up, but it soon became obvious when the towns inhabitants told her she was now a vampire - just like them.

Dark River is a town made up completely of vampires. These are vampires who have decided to live away from the temptation of humans to protect them. They only drink bagged blood and try to lead fulfilling and normal lives. She learns that the town considers her being changed into a vampire the crime of murder, because she did not give consent.

This starts her journey into becoming a fully fledged member of the town and getting her fangs into being a vampire. Her vampire senses and increased libido make it hard to resist all the gorgeous men around her, even the local shifter liaison is magnetic. With her new makeover, of hair, makeup, wardrobe and name (it’s changed to Raine) and change in species, she gains confidence she never previously had and jumps into the local dating pool feet first.

This isn’t the most challenging book in the world, but it is exceptional at what it is, which is a Paranormal Reverse Harem Romance. The characters are intriguing, the world building is tantalising and the plot is funny, lusty and sad. Some would say this isn’t a true Reverse Harem because there is some m/m action, and it’s more like a Poly situation, I don’t care because at the heart of it all is Mika/Raine, holding the men all together.

There has been enough dangling of possible men for the harem in the future and the explicit mention of trouble in the future for the town, that I’m pretty sure there are going to be more books in this series. All I can say is “I can’t wait!”

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