Wednesday 23 October 2019

Review: The Last Vessel (The Chronicles of Luna Moon Book 1) by Winter Rose

The Last Vessel The Last Vessel by Winter Rose
My rating: 4 of 5 stars

Very Good Fantasy Reverse Harem

I’m very impressed with the fact that this book was written by a debut author. The plot was intriguing and the layers of information were built up in a way that made the world comprehensible, rather than overwhelming.

The world borrows much from Greek mythology with the gods of the Olympian pantheon playing an active role. The supernatural races were created by the gods with vampires, werewolves, dragons, elves, sirens and jinn fulfilling the role of overseers. These particular races provide the ruling body, the Council, with members and warriors to protect the races from themselves.

Luna is a hybrid werewolf who was raised by priestesses until she was old enough to go to the training academy where she drives herself to become acceptable as a warrior. When we first meet her she is fulfilling her final task in her month of trials to see if she is of the standard to be put forward to the League for training, to become a warrior for the Council. She is desperate to get away from the clan that raised her as they have never treated her well, for being too different. She only has two friends, Luke and Sarah.

It is during the trials and just afterwards that she discovers how different she actually is, and her life takes her in a totally unexpected direction. She discovers just what she is expected to protect the races from, and exactly what abilities she has to help her achieve that end.

Luna is an interesting character. She is a strong and to a certain extent a loner, despite having two close friends since childhood. She has generally been treated poorly by her clan and wants to escape, but she still feels a drive to protect others by being a part of the League. She is thrown into chaos as she discovers who she is and her purpose for being and she only has a couple of freak outs. Through it all, her overriding sense of purpose is to protect.

The men that she meets are intriguing, a dragon, an elf, a siren and a vampire. They are all bonded to each other in a purpose to protect the supernatural races. They are all different from each other, not only because of their race, but because of their personalities. Luna has to find a way to fit into the group without being overwhelmed by their strong personalities.

There was a lot to pack into this book, as there always is with a first book in a series, but the author managed it really well. I didn’t feel overwhelmed with information or a cast of thousands, and I found it really hard to stop turning the pages in order to get some sleep. I really enjoyed the plot of this book and think that it shows a lot of promise and potential to really take off in future books.

This is a really great start to a new series, and I very much look forward to seeing where the series goes from here.

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