Monday 21 October 2019

Review: Hope (Rise of The Iliri Series Book 11) by Auryn Hadley

Hope Hope by Auryn Hadley
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Perfect Ending

I have loved every moment of this series from start to finish and this book was the perfect ending for all of my favourite characters. This book isn’t *necessary* to complete the story of Sal and the Iliri, but it is a wonderful epilogue that explains what happens next for her, her mates, her pack, her friends and the world as a whole.

This book is not just a “....and they all lived happily ever after”, it is actually a really good story of what happened in Anglia next. It covers how the three races of Anglia actually start to live together after the end of the war, and how problems need to be solved to smooth over the bumps in the road. I was initially worried that there wouldn’t be much substance to this final book, but I’m so glad I was wrong. I shouldn’t really be surprised as I don’t think this author is capable of half-hearting anything!

The book is about setting up a system for educating the young of Anglia, getting Iliri and Grauori recognised as legal entities equal to humans, creating a convention for war that includes the Iliri and Grauori and many more things that are needed to run a country that blends three races. This book is not just about people getting married or having babies, it’s about the nitty gritty of what happens after a war is won.

It’s a wonderful book that made me feel warm inside as I read it and saw how all my favourite characters got rewarded for their sacrifices. I smiled throughout almost every page and relished each word. The author’s final book in this series is a real gift to her readers. This series is one of my favourites of recent years and I know I’ll read it time and time again because it has everything in it, from pain, death and sacrifice to joy, love and friendship.

If you have read the rest of this series, I really recommend this final book, as it provides the last little piece of this puzzle. After I finished reading it felt like everything just clicked into place for me. It satisfied all my curiosity about what would happen to all the characters and provided information I didn’t know I wanted. I’m so glad I read it, thank you Ms Hadley for giving your readers this gift of a book.

If you are on the fence about reading this series, don’t hesitate, it’s wonderful from start to finish, it will wring you out emotionally and then will put you back together again. It is worth every penny of price you pay and every hour you spend reading it. It’s a wonderful series and you should read it.

Go on, go and buy the first book!

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