Tuesday 20 August 2019

Review: Suffer Less By KB Everly

Suffer Less Suffer Less by K.B. Everly
My rating: 5 of 5 stars

A Contemporary Reverse Harem

I’ve not read anything by this author before, but someone on one of my Facebook groups asked for recommendations of books with a disabled protagonist. As I’m disabled myself, reading about characters who face similar struggles to my own is always interesting to me. One of the things about books is it enables the reader to feel the same things the character feels, because you see inside their mind. It opens your eyes to their reality in a different way to watching them on tv or film. I don’t believe there are enough disabled characters in the media but wish even more that there were more in books.

When this book was listed in the recommendations, I decided to read it, especially as it’s a Reverse Harem book (always a winner for me) AND it’s on Kindle Unlimited. Basically I HAD to read it and I’m really glad I did, especially as the book was written by an amputee, so it was someone who really knew what they were talking about when writing about the reality of dealing with the loss of a limb.

The book is about Alessa, a 22 year old woman who has had a very hard life. Her parents were killed in the same accident that took her leg when she was a teenager and she had lived with her drug addicted aunt ever since. Alessa worked two jobs trying to save up money to leave her small town, where she’d been so miserable but her aunt made it difficult for her. It was at one of her jobs that she met three gorgeous men on motorcycles, Grey, Nash and Jude. Three friends who were touring around on their annual break visiting unusual pubs.

The three guys are not the usual motorcycle club members with being a therapist, paediatrician and a firefighter, but their club is just a riding club. This is not really an MC romance, though there is an issue with another club.

I really liked Alessa, she’s feisty even when she’s not feeling particularly brave. She picks herself up every day and does her best to get things done and she is compassionate even when some people would be bitter with the way life had turned out.

I liked the way the relationship was handled. There were open communications between them all, everyone was pretty honest and straightforward and despite this being a romance it wasn’t overly emotional. There were some sex scenes but there weren’t too many and they weren’t long and explicitly detailed either.

I really enjoyed this book. I will definitely be keeping a look out for others written by the same author.

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